Complete Finnish (free resources)

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Complete Finnish (free resources)

Beginner to Intermediate Course: Audio Support

Terttu Leney


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This is the free audio that accompanies the 2017 edition of Complete Finnish (9781444195224). This book is available to purchase from most book retailers. You will require the book to get the most out of this audio.
By the end of Complete Finnish you will have a solid intermediate-level grounding in the four key skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - and be able to communicate with confidence and accuracy.
The free audio for this course is available to download to the Teach Yourself Library app, or to stream on


Terttu Leney:
Terttu Leney has taught Finnish at Chelsea & Westminster Adult Education Institute, the University of Surrey and the UK Foreign Office in London. She has also been a freelance broadcaster for the Finnish section of the BBC World Service and Examinations Administrator for Language Testing Associates, London. In 1996 she gained a Postgraduate Diploma in Current Developments in Language Training from the University of Westminster.



Chaikina Chaikina rated on Complete Finnish (free resources) from Complete Finnish (free resources)

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mari commented on Complete Finnish from Complete Finnish (free resources): Is there a way to access the older versions of the audio?? I have a hard to learning so I really need to follow along with the the book and audio in sync. I purchased the book on Google play, not knowing there was another version and expected to have the audio match the book, but it doesn't.
Chaem loves Complete Finnish from Complete Finnish (free resources)
Chaem likes Complete Finnish from Complete Finnish (free resources)